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The Sage

Functions: introverted spirituality, introverted deduction, extroverted nihilism and extroverted induction


       The sage leads with introverted spirituality and is keenly aware of the subtler, inexplicable aspects of their own existence. This is combined with introverted deduction to determine what arises from themselves and what can be attributed to either spiritual or physical causes. They then use extroverted nihilism to offer concrete explanations as to how the world around them may impact such spiritual states. This is combined with extroverted induction to form a rough idea of what is and isn’t conducive to certain inner states.


Shadow Type: Hedonist


       The sage may become hedonistic, obsessive and develop strange fantasies when their sense of self-belief is threatened or weakened. This may lead to plotting and machiavellianism in attempt to manifest these fantasies. This is often accompanied by a sense of paranoia and inexplicable fears.


Conscience Type: Gambler


      The gambler brings an awareness of risk to the sage in the form alternative explanations. This offers a degree of cynicism and doubt that balances the optimism of the sage. Consequently, the sage is reminded to focus on who they are, what they think and how they feel. This prevents them from trying to force changes upon others too quickly.


Aspirational Type: Healer


      The healer teaches the sage that it’s necessary to take action and risks to be of greater benefit. This helps the sage overcome any analysis paralysis that they may be facing. Consequently, the sage may become more open about their thoughts and less reserved when it comes to pursuing their goals.



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